Business Insurance
We offer a variety of excellent property coverages for your business' buildings, personal property, and income. All property policies include additional coverage at no charge that provides higher coverage limits than most standard policies, in addition to extra coverages normally not found. Some coverages even offer you the option to purchase higher limits.
Homeowners Insurance
No two homes are exactly alike. Buying a policy "off the shelf" without a plan or professional advice can result in the difference between what you really needed and what you ended up paying for being vastly different. More simply stated, it can mean the difference between what you need and what you got. Your homeowner's policy should reflect the reality of your home's uniqueness, your lifestyle and your financial assets.
Auto Insurance
Choosing just the right automobile insurance coverage that protects your financial assets as well as your vehicle can be a confusing experience for many people. With different Liability limits, Comprehensive, Collision, Personal Injury Protection, and Medical coverages to choose from, it's easy for most consumers to make simple mistakes that could quickly become a drastic consequence towards their financial stability and well being.The true value of good automobile insurance doesn't become apparent until you really need it.

Life Insurance
Life insurance is simply protection to ensure that your family will have financial security when you pass away. If something should happen to you, how will they be able to continue doing the things they take for granted, such as live in a nice home, continue their education, or create a retirement nest egg without you? Life insurance can help to provide the answer. In this section, we’ll help you begin to think about Life insurance. We’ll take a look at the two basic types of Life insurance, how to achieve an appropriate level of Life insurance, how to read your policy, and how to address typical planning concerns. All designed to provide you with a framework for considering how much life insurance you need.
-Sandy Wallace
“Very friendly laid back atmosphere. I have referred all my friends and family to this office.”